Meaning and Origin of the Name Alex
The meaning of Alex is ‘Defender’. The origin of name ‘Alex’ comes from the Greek origin. Alex is a short form of Alexandra and Alexis, which means ‘Man’s defender’ as well.
Popularity of Alex
Alex has been one of the most popular and evenly divided unisex name which has been commonly used all over the world for years. Parents can also choose this name as a nick name for their baby girl instead of Alexandra because Alex name has a little tom-boyish appeal to it which was liked by lot of 90’s parents.
Even though the name Alex was not in the ‘100 most popular baby girl’s name’ in England in 2017, it still has been widely used for boys and girls. However, Alexandra has been popular in England and in the top 100 baby girls’ names from the 1970s until 2010.
Famous People name Alex

Alex Jones is a Welsh television presenter, was born in March 18th,1977. Alex is well-known for appearing in the BBC One magazine program The One Show.
Alex Morgan born in July 2nd, 1989, is an American soccer player. Alex is a player for the Orlando Pride of the NWSL. She has been ranked as the top-paid American women’s soccer player in 2015 by Time.
Alex Kingston is an English actress, born in March 11th, 1963, has appeared in several popular British-produced television dramas.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.