Meaning and Origin of the Name Alina
The meaning of Alina is bright and beautiful. It is a shortened version of the name Adelina, and another version of the name is Adela.
It is an English name that didn’t make it to the list of the 100 most popular baby names in 2016. Even though the popularity of Alina isn’t great, the name is still easily recognizable, as many celebrities, including a Romanian singer and TV personality, Alina Eremia, have the name.
Famous People with the name Alina
Alina Fernandez is the daughter of Fidel Castro. Alina Martain was a French nun, who became a saint, making the name special for those of the Catholic faith. And Alina Kabaeva is a young Russian politician.
Why Choose the Name?
There are many strong girls who bear the name, and the spelling and pronunciation are very simple. The name has a pretty sound when spoken, and even though it isn’t popular, it is easy for people to recognise it. The girl’s name Alina is a simple English girl name that is classic, pretty, and feminine without being overly used.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls names.