Meaning and Origin of the Name Bertha
Bertha is an English girl name that has been used for many centuries. The English meaning of Bertha is simply “bright,” and it is a name that is easy to spell, pronounce, and recognise.
The popularity of Bertha is not as strong as it once was, though, and it did not appear on the list of the 100 most popular English names in 2019.
Famous people with the name Bertha

Many women were named Bertha throughout time, and one of the women English people may recognise the most for having the name Bertha is Bertha of Kent, a saint from the 500s. There was a statue made in the woman’s honor because of her bravery for her religion, and it stands in Canterbury, Kent.
Bertha von Suttner was a countess and novelist born in the 1800s who won a Nobel Peace Prize.
Bertha Lewis was born in 1887 and was an opera singer and actress from England, and Bertha of Hereford was born in 1130 and was an heiress who, along with her husband, owned several castles.
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