Meaning and Origin of the Name Betty
Elizabeth or the shortened name Betty or Bettie is an English name that derives from the Hebraic, Elishiva.
The biblical meaning of Betty or Elizabeth is “my god is my oath.”
The popularity of Betty grew during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (a period commonly referred to as the Golden Age of England)(September 7, 1533 – March 24, 1603) ; she was the second Daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. She is credited for bringing the arts to the forefront in London in the mid-1500s.
The name Betty remained a popular name before declining in the 1930s. While at the same time more popular nicknames instead of Bettie, also started to rise, such as Eliza or Lizzie.
Betty did not make the top 100 baby girl names of 2017 according to the National Office of Statistics.
Famous People with the Name Betty
The famous actress Bette Davis
Here is a list of a few popular people with the name Betty:
- American actress, Ruth Bette Davis ( April 5, 1908 – October 6, 1989).
- First Lady of the United States Betty Ford (April 8, 1918 – July 8, 2011).
- American soul singer Betty Everett (November 23, 1939 – August 19, 2001).
- Beloved American comedian and actress Betty Marion White Ludden (January 17, 1922). And favourite animated cartoon character Betty Boop (first appearance on August 9, 1930).
- Betty Spencer, from the TV comedy ” Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em!”, she was the long-suffering wife of Frank Spencer.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.