
Meaning and Origin of the Name Carmel

The name Carmel is originally a Hebrew girl’s name. The meaning of Carmel is “garden, orchard”. The accent is on the second syllable. In the Bible, Carmel refers to a vineyard.

Carmel originates from an orchard or a vineyard
The name Carmel originates from an orchard or a vineyard


The popularity of Carmel is ranked 2,348 of the most used names, which is quite popular. There are 162,000 people in the world with this name. As of today, it is used for both boys and girls.

Famous People Called Carmel

  • Carmel McCourt is a British Musician. Her birthday is November 24, 1958, and her birthplace is Wrawby, North Lincolnshire in England. One of her most popular songs is “Walk a Thin Line”. Her net worth is about $1.5 million.
  • Carmel Myers was an American Actress who lived from 1899-1980. She was famous in silent movies, and among the most popular women of her time. Her father was a Rabbi from Australia, and her mother was from Austria. They immigrated to the U.S.
  • Carmel Sepuloni is a politician in New Zealand, and is a part of the Labour Party. She was born 1977 in Waltara, New Zealand. She won the seat on what is called “Waitakere” in 2011.

Carmel (Mount Carmel) is also the biblical settlement in Judea on the Mediterranean sea. This settlement was mentioned in the Book of Samuel.

Useful Resources

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