Clarissa: Meaning and Origin
Perhaps one would believe the meaning for the name Clarissa to be less than extraordinary. By definition, it only means clear or bright.
The name originates from the Latin Clarice, or Claire. This less than extraordinary meaning of Clarissa may contribute to the decline in the popularity of Clarissa, in the United Kingdom.
The popularity of the name Clarissa depends on the particular region of the United Kingdom; it ranges from 706 times to 1083 times chosen as a baby girl’s name. In 2017, Clarissa was not in the top 100 baby girls names in England.
However the popularity of the name has been, there are several famous people named Clarissa.
Famous People with the Name Clarissa
In fact, here are some of the most famous people with the name Clarissa:
- Samuel Richardson wrote a very popular novel that became a movie with the name Clarissa.
- There was also a famous television cook named Clarissa Dickson Wright. Clarissa Dickson Wright was an author of several books.
- Clarissa Ward is another well-known Clarissa. Clarissa Ward grew up in London and moved to New York where she became a journalist. Clarissa Ward was named CNN’s international correspondent of choice.
- Clarissa Eden, yet another famous Clarissa, is well travelled and also known as “Lady Eden” the Countess of Avon. Her political roots are many in the United Kingdom. Clarissa Eden is the niece of Winston Churchill and she was married to Prime Minister Anthony Eden. Since so many women named Clarissa have contributed such significance to the United Kingdom, perhaps the name isn’t so ordinary after all.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.