Meaning and Origin of the Name Dee

The Dee is a river in North Wales and England, and the meaning of Dee is “swarthy.” The name has a simple sound to it and a simple spelling, and there are several famous people who have the first name Dee.
The popularity of the name Dee
Dee is a simple girl name that didn’t make it to the list of 100 most popular names for babies in England in 2017.
Famous People with the Name
Here’s a list of a few famous people with the first name Dee:
- Dee Palmer is an English composer, arranger, and keyboardist, who changed their name from David to Dee.
- Dee Dee Myers is an American political analyst who worked under President Clinton, and she is recognised for being the first woman to serve in that position.
- Dee Roscioli is an American singer,
- and Dee Henderson is an American author.
So, while the popularity of Dee isn’t great, there are many people who have the name, and it is a nice, short name. Dee is very simple and a name that people will immediately know even though it is not one of the most popular names for girls in England.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.

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