Meaning and Origin
The name Diana was once a popular name especially among the English. The name “Diane” means “Heavenly Divine”. The meaning of Diana is quite significant. Diana was a Roman goddess of hunting as well as childbirth. At one time gods and goddesses were once worshiped and recognised with the greatest respect. Some people are not aware that the meaning of Diana once carried great prestige and respect.
Pronunciation of the Name Diana
Diana name pronunciation is simply “Di” plus “Ana”. When you put the two words together you then get the name “Diana”. Diana name pronunciation is quite simple and the name is very easy to spell.
The name Diana was once quite popular. Even though the name “Diana” is no longer popular the name will always have have great significance and meaning.
Famous People Called Diana

Diana “Princess of Wales” was a popular and well respected figure in England up until her untimely death in 1997. She was the former wife of Charles the son of Queen Elizabeth II of England. Diana was known for her kindness as well as charity work. She worked closely with the poor and sick bringing them great comfort and hope. Diana died suddenly in a fatal car crash in August of 1997. A large funeral followed the death of Princess Diana of England.
Diana Churchill is another popular figure named Diana. Diana Churchill was the daughter of the famous Winston Churchill. Diana Churchill was the eldest daughter of Sir Winston Churchill. Diana Churchill passed away in 1963.
Diana Ross is a popular actress and singer. Diana Ross was born in 1944 and made a name for herself as an accomplished singer as well as actress. Ross has been involved with several profitable charities over the years. In 1988 Diana Ross was inducted into the “Rock and Roll hall of Fame”. Diana Ross does still make an occasional public appearance and is still involved in some charity events.
Diana Davies made a name for herself as a British Entertainer. Davies was born in Whales in 1936. Diana Davies gained considerable notoriety when she began to appear in popular daytime soap operas. Coronation Street is one of the popular soaps in which Davies starred. Diana Davies is semi-retired however she still does accept some minor acting roles.
Useful Resources
- Our Complete list of English girls’ names
- Most popular English girl’s names.
- Princess Diana
- Get these Hot Deals on baby Baby Items.