The Name Dora And Its Meaning
Dora Carrington, Dora Bryan, and even Dora the Explorer have been carriers for this name in the past, and they are very famous Doras that might get parents to think on using the name. The popularity of Dora has been very high since it became the name of a popular children’s character, and the name Dora is one that little girls and grown women can wear with pride.
Origin of Dora

The Meaning of Dora is gift or God’s gift, and it is the sort of name that a lot of parents might like to give their child. It comes from the Greek roots of Theodora or Dorothea. Both of these names have the same root, and that is why you would use this name because it is much deeper than the name of a movie star or cartoon character.
The name has precedent, and it has a sweet connotation. It has Greek roots that will make you remember your own heritage, and you must have a look at this name over others because it simply has a much nicer sound and feeling to it. You could use it as a first or last name, and it has some depth of meaning that other names do not have.
Origin of Dora
Dora was a popular name during the 17th, 18th and 19th century. More recently this name also peaked during 2016 after the film ‘Dora the Explorer’.
Origin of Dora
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls names.