Doreen: Meaning and Origin of the Name
One of the names that individuals are looking for is the name Doreen. Doreen is a name that has been used for many years. Doreen as a name originated as a name that is a combination of Dora and Een. Doreen was first used in a historical novel in 1894.
These are a few items of note about Doreen. Dora is one of the names that can be found in many countries. The meaning of Doreen is said to come from the Greek, and means gift from God. Een can also be a signature of an an Irish name, which distinguishes the name from the parents.
Famous People Call Doreen
There are many famous people who have been named Doreen. These would include: Doreen Lawerence (the Baroness of Clarendon), Doreen Mantle (English actress) and Doreen Valiente (a Pagan writer). These are just some of the famous Doreen’s that have been cited.
The popularity of Doreen has diminished over the last several years. It was a very popular name in the 1920’s. Doreen was not of the most 100 popular baby girls’ names in the UK. as of 2014.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.