Ella is a gorgeous and fashionable English girl’s name. Find out about the meaning of the name Ella and discover its popularity in England and if there are any famous people with the first name Ella.
Ella is a variant of the girl’s name Helen which in turn originates from the Greek name Helene.
Ella’s Popularity
Ella is one of the most popular girl’s names in England at the moment. This name according to the 2011 statistic released by the ONS, Ella is the 16th most popular baby girl’s name in England making it the 13th most popular English girl’s name. Ella is even more common baby name in Wales (8th position).
Famous People Called Ella
Here’s some famous and not so famous people with the name Ella:
- Ella Fitzgerald – was the known as the ‘ 1st lady of song’. She was a famous American jazz singer.
- Ella Henderson – was a UK X-Factor finalist in 2012.
- Ella Moss – is the name of an American Fashion shops
Post your comments if you know of other people who should be on our list.
Useful Resources
- Check out our wide-ranging list of English girl’s names.
- If you are expecting a baby then check out these great offers on Baby on Gear

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