Meaning and Origin of the Name Enola
Enola is a pretty girl’s name. The meaning of Enola came from reversing the word “alone”. It is a girl’s name of English origin.
There were 10,056 births between 1880-2019 with the name Enola. The popularity of Enola is not top on the list. It is ranked at 26,612, which means 7,400 people in the world have the name.
Famous People and Things
Enola Gay is one of the most famous aeroplane in history. It was the B-29 Bomber that destroyed Hiroshima, Japan in World War II, causing the surrender of Japan. It is exhibited at the National Air and Space Museum.

Enola Holmes is a television character, and Sherlock Holmes’ teenage sister. Milly Bobby Brown plays the character. Harry Bradbeer is the director of the series.
Enola Arkansas is a small town 20 miles from Conway. Hugh Reynolds, a popular Historian in the 1860s, was born there. As of today, it is a farming community that produces rice, wheat, soybeans, and livestock.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.