Meaning and Origin of the Name Eugenia
Eugenia is the feminine name of the name Eugene. The meaning of Eugenia is from the Greek word eugenes meaning well-born.
Famous People with the name Eugenia
Well-known people have this name Eugenia like Saint Eugenia of Rome, Princess Eugenie of York, a British royalty, and Eugenia Bonetti, an Italian nun. Eugenia Campbell Nowlin, an American artist, and Eugenia Charles, a former prime minister of Dominica. Eugenia Cooney, an internet personality, Eugenia Manolidou, a Greek composer. Eugenia Malinnikova, a Russian mathematician. Eugenia Popa, a Romania gymnast. Eugenia Price, an American author, and Eugenia Volodina, a Russian supermodel. The popularity of Eugenia has grown over the years.
Eugenia Washington is an inspirational woman who lived in the United States from 1838 to 1900. She is in the lineage of George Washington, the first president of America. Eugenia is recognised as the founder of ‘Daughters of the American Revolution the Patriots’ and ‘Daughters of Founders of America’.
Princess Eugenie is a British royalty, granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, and the niece of King Charles III. She is an English literature graduate and has participated in several philanthropic activities. Eugenia Cooney is a Youtuber in the United States known for her gothic and emo looks. She has more than two million subscribers.
Eugenie was not in the top 100 baby girl names in England in 2022.
Useful Resources
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