Origin and Meaning of the Name Eunice
The name Eunice is of Greek origin. The English began using the name Eunice after the Protestant Reformation that ended in 1648. The meaning of Eunice is ‘good victory’.
Popularity of Eunice
Eunice’s popularity in England entered the 21st century at a low of 3000. Eunice is now back at 1034 in London, the highest rating in England. Eunice’s best years were in the middle of the 21st century’s first decade.
Famous Eunices

There is a town in the United States called Eunice, Louisiana. Eunice in Louisiana began when a land developer, lawman, and pioneer, C.C. Duson, named the town after his wife upon settling the Louisiana town back in 1887.
In the bible, Eunice was the mother of Saint Timothy. Eunice and her mother Lois were born of the Jewish faith but accepted Christ as their saviour.
In 1921, Eunice Kennedy was born the fifth child and third daughter of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. She married Sargent Shriver in 1953. Eunice Kennedy Shriver was the mother of five children, including Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, born in 1955, and Timothy Perry Shriver, born in 1959. In 1968, Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded Special Olympics for intellectually disabled children and adults.
Useful Resources
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