Girl’s Name Grace
Grace is a gorgeous English girl’s name. This name has been made popular in the 20th century by actress Grace Kelly.
This name originates from the Latin name Gratia.
Grace is in the top 10 (7th position) baby girl’s name in England from the 2011 statistics produced by the Office of National Statistics. This name is particularly popular in the North of England and Scotland.
Famous People Called Grace
Here is a short list of a few famous people with the first name Grace:
- Grace Kelly – An American actress who married the Prince of Monaco.
- Grace Jones – A model and actress who started in the James Bond film A view to a Kill.
- Grace Dent – Is an English journalist who writes for the Independent newspaper and can often be seen appearing on English television shows.
- Grace Darling – Was an English heroine who helped to rescue survivors from a ship wreck in 1838.
Useful Resources
- If you found this page helpful you’ll also be interested in our comprehensive list of English girl’s names.
- See the hottest deals on baby gear here.

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