Isabelle (‘Bella’ or ‘Bell’ for short) is a delightful and fashionable English girl’s name. On this page you will discover the meaning of the name Isabelle and see how popular the name is in England. We also investigate if there are any famous people with the first name Isabelle.
What does Isabelle Mean?
Isabelle is a popular English variant of the name Isabel -which itself has Spanish origins (It was the Spanish variant of the girl’s name Elisabeth). Isabel and its variants became popular in England in the middle ages and it was even the name of an English Queen.
Ella Popularity
Isabelle is the 17th most popular baby girl’s name in England in 2011 (government -ONS released data) 7 places behind the more popular Isabella. Isabelle is also a popular baby name in other countries including Wales where it is the 22nd most popular baby girl’s name.
Famous People Called Isabelle
Here’s a list of a few people who we’ve found on the internet with the name Isabelle
- Isabelle Adjani – A French actress and singer.
- Isabelle Lucy Allen – is an English actress who starred in the film Les Misérables.
- Isabelle Cornish – is an Australian actress who appeared in the soap Home and Away.
- Isabelle Lucas – is an Australian actress who appeared in the soap Home and Away.
- Isabelle Eberhardt – was a explorer who extensively explored North Africa.
Useful Resources
- Looking for an English Baby Name.
- Expecting a baby then see these Hot Offers on Baby products