Origins and Variations of the Name Janice
The female name Janice has many spelling variations including Janis, Janice, Janiece, and Shanis. Sometimes girls who go by the name Jan have Janice as their legal name.
Janus is the male version of Janice. In 1272, Janis became a surname in Cornwall, England.
Meaning of Janice
The name Janice is a form of the name Jane that is the feminine of John. Janice means Gracious gift of God.
Popularity of Janice
In England, the popularity of Janice stands at 11469th (so currently it’s not very popular at all). Janice’s popularity peaked in 1940.
Famous British People named Janice
British actress Janice Connolly is in charge of the Birmingham group called Women and Theatre. She best known for the character Barbara Nice, a homemaker and mother of five children.
Janice Long is a British broadcaster. She was born in 1955 in the town of Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Ms. Long has her own radio program four days a week on BBC radio.
Janice Meek was born in Britain in 1944. This ocean rower has made the Guinness Book of Records. She successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a 7.0 m(23-foot) wooden rowboat in 101 days with her son, Daniel Byles, by her side.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.