Meaning and Origin of the Name Kay
The name Kay is quite popular and has seen some widespread use in England. People recognise the name Kay and want to pass that name on to future generations.
The meaning of Kay actually refers to a shortened form of Katherine. That meaning of Kay reflects the real reason why people tend to use the name for themselves. The name Katherine and therefore Kay means pure or clear and it originates from the Latin name ‘Katharina’.
The popularity of Kay has spiked in the mid 20th century in England.
Famous People Called Kay
Here’s a list of a few people with the female name Kay:
The newsreader and presenter Kay Burley
Kay Kendall is a famous actress who was once married to Rex Harrison. She is also a singer and wants to continue on with her career.
- Kay Burley is another familiar face that is popular in England. She was born in Wigon and works as newsreader and presenter.
- Kay Hutchison is an American, but still retains much of her heritage. She has held various political positions and is a member of the Republican party.
The name Katherine is more popular than the name Kay in England. However, both Katherine and Kay were not in the top 100 baby girls names in 2017. Kay was last in the top 100 baby girls’ names during the 1940s until the 1960s.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.