Meaning of Kayla
Kayla is a variation of the name Kay. The latter is the shortened form of Katherine, which means pure.
Popularity of Kayla
While Kayla was among England’s top 100 girl’s names in 2011, it fell from the list the following year. As of 2017, Kayla had not returned to the list of top 100 girl’s names.
Famous People with the Name Kayla
Australian entrepreneur Kayla Itsines co-founded the Bikini Body Training Company to reach more women than she had as a personal trainer. Her company’s app, Sweat with Kayla, made $17 million in 2016.
Aid worker Kayla Mueller had been assisting Syria refugees in Turkey when she traveled to a Syrian hospital. She was abducted by ISIS on her way back to Turkey. Tragically, Mueller did not survive captivity.
World class athlete Kayla Harrison represented the United States in the 2012 and the 2016 Olympics. She was the first American to win an Olympic gold medal in the sport of judo.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls’ names on our website.