Meaning and Origin of the Name Kayley
The name Kayley is female. It’s a modern form of Katherine, a combination of Kay and Lee. Kayley only goes back to the 1990s in England. It has some spelling variations like Kayley, Kaylie, and Kayleigh.
Meaning of Kayley
The British meaning of Kayley means keeper of the keys.
Popularity of Kayley
Kayley is a rather modern name that was introduced to the chart in 1996. It was at its highest but started to slide and level off in 1997. Kayley remained steady until the year 2000, droping a little and beginning to pick up a little in 2003.
It slid in 2004 and was gone in 2005, only to return in 2006. In 2007, Kayley fell off the chart and hasn’t been back since. It was never more popular that number 293.
Famous People Named Kayley
Famous people named Kayley couldn’t be found, however, Kayleigh Pearson is an English model who was born in 1985 in Bath, Somerset, England.
Kayleigh Morton is a fictitious character from the British series “Coronation Street.”
Kayleigh is also used as a last name as in Layla Kayleigh in 1985 in London, England. She’s a British television personality.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls’ names.