Meaning Of Kimberley
Kimberley has been a name that has grown in popularity in the English speaking world over the years. This is thanks to the fact that many parents realise it makes a great name for girl. It can be changed up in a few simple ways, including Kim and Kimberly. This will help make it more unique for parents who want a special name for their daughter.
The name itself actually originates from Old English and will feature many variants. Kimberley is one of the newer forms of the name, but it has enjoyed a fair amount of use over the past few years as well. This may represent a new change in direction for the name Kimberley. It is thought that the meaning of Kimberley originally meant a fortress in Old English. However, the name has changed from Cyneburg to Kimberleigh to Kimberlee over the years as well.
It was not in the top 100 baby girls names in England in 2012.
Famous People with the Name Kimberley
There are plenty of celebrities named Kimberley or some variant that have enjoyed a fair amount of success as well. Kimberley Chen is a noted singer of Malaysian descent that was born in Australia. Kimberly Kardashian is a prominent celebrity that has enjoyed success recently. There is even a town called Kimberley located in South Africa.
Useful Resources
- Looking for more English girl’s names then see our comprehensive list here.