Origin and Meaning of the Name Kyle
You may be searching your resources for your new arrivals name, but if you’re looking for a forgotten one or even an unusual one, lets take a look at the name Kyle. Most people think of a male when they hear that name. I’m going to introduce you to the name Kyle for your daughter.
Kyle is short for Kaylyn Kyle. The meaning of Kyle, is “narrows, channel, strait”. It is actually a Scottish and Christian name.
Popularity of the Name
The popularity of Kyle has not made the top 100 baby girls names list in England in 2017. However, Kyle is one of the most unique and popular names with impressive meaning. You can find the name Kyle in Urdu and English, as well as other languages.
Famous People Called Kyle
Kyle Richards starred in the reality show ” Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills” and relives her life story on “American Woman”. Although the series was cancelled after 1 year, she and her name live on, therefore, it may be worth considering when naming your next daughter.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.