Meaning and Origin of the Name Lana
It is not known what the exact meaning of Lana is. Lana sounds very similar to the Gaelic word “ailin” which means “little rock.” Your Lana is sure to be equally sturdy and confident.
The popularity of Lana in England is not very high. The most recent statistics show that it was 257th in name choices in 2017.
Other Famous Lanas

The first Lana that comes to mind is probably the singer Lana Del Rey. She has a very distinctive and smokey voice. Her lyrics are full of nostalgia for the 1950s and 1960s.
Lana Morris is a famous Lana who is particularly well known in England. Her most iconic role was in the original adaptation of “The Forsyte Saga” which aired in 1967.
Lana Parrilla is an American actress who is best known for playing the Evil Queen in the show “Once Upon a Time.” She also appeared in the action drama TV series “24.”
Useful Resources
See our comprehensive guide to other English girls’ names.