
Meaning and Origin of the name Lizzie

The name Lizzie is of Hebrew origin and has been commonly used as a name independent of Elizabeth or Elisabet, in the second half of the nineteenth century. The meaning of Lizzie is known to be God is my oath derived from the Hebrew Elisheba.

Popularity of Lizzie

This name is currently out of the US top 1000.

Variations in the name

Elizabeth or Elisabet, while it can also be a shortened version of Lizeth, Lissette or even Lizette. However, those are far less common.

Famous People Called Lizzie

A few famous people who share the name Lizzie.Lizzie McGuire is the title character of an American comedy-drama television series, Lizzie Cundy, is a tv personality from the UK, and Lizzie Kelly, is a British jockey who participates in National Hunt racing.

Lizze Borden the subject of a the film Lizzie.

Possibly the most famous person to share this name would be Lizzie Borden the subject of the American biographical thriller film Lizzie 2018, starring Kristen Stewart and Chloe Sevigny.

Useful Resources

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