Meaning and Origin of the Female Name Lorraine

The name Lorraine is one of the many female names around. This is a name that originates from France and has become one of the more popular female names in the world. While it is a first name, it is also a surname at times as well. Therefore, the name Lorraine is one of the most versatile female names available.
The meaning of Lorraine is a reference to a French province where Joan of Arc used to live along with a common name of French royalty. Therefore Lorraine is a female name that is very prestigious as well as being one that stands out as one of the nicer sounding names for any girl or woman.
The name Lorraine is among the most common female names in the United States. In fact it is ranked in the top 4% of the most popular female names. The popularity of Lorraine reached its peak in the 1920’s. From the years 1920-1929, Lorraine was most often used as the first name given to baby girls. Even to this day, Lorraine is quite often used as a first name for females. This name however was not in the top 100 girls’ names in England in 2015. As a result, Lorraine is one name that is sure to be used for females in the years to come.
Famous People called Lorraine
Lorraine Kelly the popular breakfast TV presenter who’s show is called Lorraine
Lorraine Pascale the popular celebrity English Cook and former model who’s sold over 1 million copies of her cooking books.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names on our website.