Maureen Meaning and Origin
Although the meaning of Maureen name apparently derives from the Irish name, Máire, or Máirin: Mary, and is thought by some to be derived from the Hebrew Miriam, it’s a girls name however it has been given to boys as well. While naming a boy Maureen is not a common occurrence, the use of given names such as Marian, Evelyn, Bailey, Carroll and a great many others for both boys and girls is not unusual.
Although a little out of fashion today, and little used, even in Ireland where it all began, the Maureen name for boys continues to be a good possible choice. Maureen, as a girl’s name was popular during the nineteen forties and reached its peak usage during the “hippie” period of 1963. During this time the so-called “flower” children appear to have been partial to unusual names and often bestowed them upon their children.
While the popularity of Maureen this days is relatively low, and the researcher may be hard-pressed to find many examples of girls walking about with the name Maureen on their passports, this name continues to be a viable choice for the parent who desires something memorable and slightly different from the names that gain their fifteen minutes of fame from one year to the next.
Famous Girls Call Maureen
There’s one very famous English person with the name, Maureen Lipman, a famous actress and comedian who was awarded a CBE by the queen in 1999.
Often a star of cinema or the character he portrays in a memorable film will exercise an undue influence on parents to name their next children after this performer. Other famous people as well may have this same curious influence on perhaps unimaginative or impressionable future parents.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girl’s names