The name Molly was formerly a nickname for Mary. However, the name has adopted to stand alone. Molly’s popularity has grown from 1900s where Molly was number 411th on the popularity list of baby names to the current day where Molly was the 40th most popular baby girl’s name in England (ONS 2012).
Meaning of Molly
There are 3 different meanings of the name Molly. The first two meanings comes from American and Hebrew, which means; bitter, rebellion and wished for child. The last meaning comes from English, which comes from Gaelic Maili that is a pet form of Mary.
Celebrities called Molly
There are over 150 celebrities with the first name Molly. Here are 10 celebrities that has the name Molly as their first name.
- Burnett, Molly- American Actress
- Ephraim, Molly- Actress
- Hullis, Molly- British Relative
- McNearing, Molly- American Writer
- Parker, Molly- Actress
- Peters, Molly- British Actress
- Quinn, Molly- American Actress
- Ringwald, Molly- Actress
- Schade, Molly- American Actress
- Sims, Molly-American Actor
Other Uses of the name Molly
Molly has been used for more than just first name. Molly is also referred to a female mule, methylenedioxymethamphetamine or Ecstasy. Molly is also a live-bearing fish. There was a popular song in Ireland called “Molly Malone.” It was so popular that is was considered to be the unofficial anthem.
Useful Resources
- Our complete list of English girls names.