Most Popular English Girls Names in 2019 As parents picking out the perfect name for your child can be a very stressful task.

Some names became less popular from 2018 to 2019 and some more popular. Wether you are looking for a classic name or traditional or down right unique name for your child this is a list of the Most Popular English Girls Names In 2019.
- OLIVIA is the most popular with a summation of 3,866
- AMELIA is number two as the most popular with a summation of 3,546
- ISLA is number three as the most popular with a summation of 2,831
- AVA is number four as the most popular with a summation of 2,804
- MIA is number five as the most popular with a summation of 2,369
- ISABELLA is number six as the most popular with a summation of 2,298
- GRACE is number seven as the most popular with a summation of 2,244
- SOPHIA is number eight as the most popular with a summation of 2,236
- LILY is number nine as the most popular with a summation of 2,185
- EMILY is the last on the Most Popular English Girls Names In 2019 with a summation of 2,145
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.

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