The Name Pearl And It’s Meaning

The name Pearl is a word that has come from romantic languages meaning the jewel from an oyster.
There are a lot of people who have heard of this name because of someone like Pearl S. Buck, and they might not have thought that the meaning of Pearl is just the jewel from an oyster.
The popularity of the name Pearl has always been a little bit low, and it has been used by people like Pearl Bailey. You might also have heard of the band called Pearl Jam. All these precedents make it easy to choose this name for your child, and it could be a fun name to use when you want a middle name with some flair.
Pearl was not in the top 100 baby girls’ names in England in 2017.
Why Choose the Name Pearl
Many parents who are seeking out names use this one because they love the band or the author, and it is possible that their child has the light of pearls in their eyes. This name also comes with it the idea of the pearl color. You might want to name a child for that pearlescent beauty you see in your wife’s eyes, or could use this name because it reminds you of a time when you both were happy.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls’ names.