Some old-fashioned girls’ names went back up high on the list in 2018. According to the goverment statistics. Olivia remained at the top for the last few years.
Here are some popular English girls names in 2018 that closely followed:
Olivia – Olivia is a feminine form of Oliver, meaning “olive tree”.
Amelia – Amelia is actually a blend of two ancient Latin names, Emilia and Amalia, which mean “industrious” or “striving”. In Teutonic, it means “defender”.
Ava– Ava is a variation of Eve, which, biblically, means “mother of all”. It could also come from the Hebrew “Chava” , which means “life”. It could also have some origins in the Latin, “Avis”, which means “bird”.
Isla – Isla, pronounced, “eye-lah” is also the Spanish word meaning “island”. However, the English names originated from Scotland, meaning the same thing. It could also have its origins in the Gaelic “aileach”, which refers to rocky places.
Emily – Emily has several meanings and origins. One origin is from the Latin Amelia, which originated from the Roman, Aemelious meaning to equalize. It is also a form of Amelia. It’s Greek origin is from “aimulos” meaning “friendly, tender and kind”. Some of the other meanings include “industrious”, “strive” and “rival”.
The Top 100 Baby Girls’ Names in 2018
Here’s the office list of the top 10 names in England in 2018.