Origin and Meaning of the Name Primrose
The name Primrose is an English or Scottish girl’s name in origin. The meaning of Primrose is “First Rose”. Because of Hunger Games, the popularity of Primrose increased and was inspired by Primrose Everdeen, a character in the show.
Between 1880-2019, there were 1,683 girls who received the name Primrose.
Famous People and Places called Primrose
- There is a popular park in London called Primrose Hill. It opened in 1842 and is named after a 210 foot hill in the centre of the park.
- The Primrose Clan is of Scottish origin. During the civil war, they were proud Royalists, led by Archibald Primrose. Like other Celtics, they have family crest and coats of arms. The current Clan Chief is Neil Primrose. The Primrose Family can be traced back to 1490.77
- The name is derived from the original Latin “Prima Rosa” which means “First Rose”. The Primrose is the first flower to appear in Spring, assuring everyone that winter is over.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls’ names.

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