Sandy Meaning and Origin
The name Sandy is a simple English girl name.
The name comes from Sandra, or Alexander or Alexandra. The meaning of Sandy is “defending men.”
The popularity of Sandy and how few people have used it in England recently doesn’t mean that it isn’t a common enough name. There are many people who have the first name Sandy, and a few of them are quite popular.
Sandy was not listed as one of the 100 most popular names for girls in 2017 in England.
Famous People with the name Sandy

One celebrity with the name Sandy is Sandy Shaw, an American writer. Sandy from the film Grease is a popular character.
And Sandy Duncan is an American comedian, dancer, actress, and singer. Sandy has been used for many years and saw a rise in popularity in the mid-1900s.
Why choose the name Sandy?
It is a pretty girl’s name but can also be used as a male name. The name has a simple sound to it, and the spelling of the name is simple, as well. It is a name that everyone will immediately know.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English girls’ names.