The Name Sylvia and its Meaning
The name Sylvia is a beautiful name, the meaning of Sylvia is woods or forest. Sylvia is of Latin origin and considered an English name.
The popularity of Sylvia is very low. This name is not popular at all, actually, it is currently at number 505 today. In 1910 it was at its highest of popularity at number 71st position. That is a huge decrease in popularity over the years.
Sylvia is a very feminine name and is used as a girls name when given at birth. There are many different ways to pronounce the name Sylvia. The states in which the name is most popular, are West Virginia, South Carolina, and Vermont.
The oldest recorded history in the U.S of a baby being born with the name of Sylvia was in the year 1868. The highest recorded number of babies being born with the name of Sylvia was in the year 1937, with a total of 4,365 baby girls. Sylvia is ranked number sixty of classic girls names and number 18th of latin girl names.
The name Sylvia may make a comeback in the years to come as a classic name.
Famous things called Sylvia
There are not too many people or things called Sylvia of note. Here are some of the most significant:
- Sylvia Plath was an American poet an novelist from America but who live in England.
- Sylvia is a classical ballet and was 1st choreographed by Louis Mérante.
- Sylvia was also a British film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Daniel Craig in 2003.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls names.