Facts on the Popularity, Roots, and Meaning of the Name Tamsin
Those potential parents looking to name their child Tamsin name their child after the shortened form of the name Thomasina; the feminine form of the name Thomas.
Several variant spellings exist for this name, including Tamzin, Tamasin, and Tamsyn. Much like its masculine counterpart, the linguistic meaning of Tamsin is “twin”.
Parents curious about the popularity of Tamsin as a girl’s name should know that this name did not place anywhere within the one hundred most popular baby names within the most recent poll in 2013 taken by the English government.
Famous Individuals, Real or Fictional, With the Name of Tamsin
- Tamsin Egerton is an English model and actress of small and silver screen, known for such roles as Guinevere in “Camelot” and Katrina in “Eregon”.
- Tamsin Greig/Leaf is an English actress of stage and screen who won an Olivier award for 2007’s “Much Ado About Nothing”.
- Tamzin Maria Outhwaite is an English actress who portrayed Melanie Owen for over a decade on “EastEnders”.
- “Tamsin” is an award-winning American fantasy novel featuring a character with this particular name.
Useful Resources
- See the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names on our website.

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