Origin of the Name

The name Tansy is of Greek origin and is a girl’s name. Tansy is a very rare flower that is much livelier than lily. The tansy is not as common as the rose.
Meaning of Tansy
The meaning of Tansy is immortality.
Popularity of Tansy
Tansy is a rare girls’ name that reached 172 in 2012 in England. In 2017, people were being urged not to name their daughter unique names like Tansy. In 1997, Tansy was 2,411. In 1999, the name dropped to 2,770 and picked up a little in the first decade of the new millennium. Tansy’s best rating was in 2005 at 1,796. At 5,666 in 2018, it was not quite as quite as low as it was in 2011 at 5,785.
Famous People or Places with the Name Tansy
Tansy Davies
Tansy Davies is an English composer who was born in Bristol on May 29, 1973. Tansy Davies is a member of the BBC, London, and Scottish Symphonies.
Tansy Rayner Roberts
Tansy Rayner Roberts is a 41-year-old Australian short story and novel author.
Tansy River
The Tansy River in Montana is also known as the Teton River. The river is only 150 miles long.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.