Meaning and History of the Name Victoria
The Victoria name has been popular in England for quite some time. The use of the name goes back several generations. The name has long been associated with England. The meaning of Victoria is victorious not surprisingly. Even though it has long been a popular British name likely do in part to the monarch Queen Victoria, it is not as popular currently. Other famous individual/things with the name Victoria include Victoria Beckham and the well known military honour the Victoria Cross.
According to English statistics that were recently published in 2013, Victoria is not on the list of the 100 most popular baby names. It is a name that has had lots of use throughout the years however. Victoria is almost always a female name and is the female equivalent of the name Victor. The popularity of Victoria as a name is one that will probably never truly go out of style as it has a long tradition of being used as a name both in the UK and other parts of the world as well, for instance, the state of Victoria in Australia.
Variations in the Name
Variations in the name Victoria include, Vic, Vickie, Vicky, Tory
Useful Resources
- See the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names like Victoria